Monday 10 April 2017

Notices Week 11 2017

Swimming starts the first week back of Term 2. If you haven't returned your slips and payment (or need another slip) please contact the office ASAP.

This Thursday (13th April 2017):
  • Poroporoaki farewell for Mr Brown.
  • SPCA mufti day dress up: Wear blue and white mufti, jandals, and a hat or headdress with an animal theme/picture. Please bring a gold coin donation to support the SPCA.
  • School finishes at 2pm on Thursday, please ensure your children are collected at the earlier time of 2pm, or arrangements are made with an after school provider.

Thank you and best wishes for a safe and happy holiday break.

April 7th 2017

The caterpillars are back!

Yay! The caterpillars have been released by those pesky pirates, they must have given up waiting for the ransom money!

It was fantastic to find that our caterpillars were safe and sound after all! But alas, there was no sign of Rosie - our favourite caterpillar.

We went back to class to try and figure out what might of happened to Rosie and wrote down our ideas. 

We learnt how to use punctuation effectively. We used an explanation mark to emphasise our emotion, a question mark to ask a question, and a full stop at the end of our sentence. Some people used speech marks when their characters spoke.

5th April 2015

What's this shape?

Today we learnt about the attributes of 2D shapes.

We had turns in groups using different materials to build, sort and create different shapes based on their attributes.

We learnt that Quadrilaterals have four straight sides and we could identify squares, rectangles and trapezoids.  We learnt how a square is a special type of quadrilateral.
(ask me what makes a square a square!)

We got to make shapes using coloured popsicle sticks. We had to make sure we had the right amount of sides and corners for each shape!

Some groups sorted shapes based on their attributes...

other groups created shapes based on the shapes attributes.

April 4th 2017

Shapes, shapes and more shapes!

Today we learnt to identify 2D shapes, this meant sorting shapes based on what we thought they had in common, and talking about why we put them into certain groups.

We added more shapes to our "Shapes" books, after sorting shapes into "families" of circles, triangles and quadrilaterals. Later we went outside and drew our shapes with chalk.

Sunday 9 April 2017

March 31st 2017


We have been learning about 2D shapes. We read a book called "Shapes in the bathroom" and decided to go for a hunt for shapes in our classroom.

We made "Shape" Books to record all of the shapes we found inside of the classroom
...and outside!